Kunsthalle HGN

Pro­vid­ing space for art in Duderstadt was a mat­ter of heart for glob­al en­tre­pre­neur Professor Hans Georg Näder, for he is deeply com­mited to the Eichsfeld his­tor­i­cal re­gion in Lower Saxony. Choosing his home town there­fore made sense to him.

The pri­vate art gal­lery is lo­cated not far from the col­lec­tor’s fam­i­ly home on the out­skirts of the Sulberg hill, and offers vis­i­tors a pic­tur­esque view of Duderstadt’s historic old town and its hinterland. To date, more than 42,000 vis­i­tors have em­brace the offer to dis­cov­er and ex­pe­ri­ence art in var­i­ous themed ex­hi­bi­tions at the Kunsthalle HGN.

In December 2011, the Kunsthalle HGN opened its doors for the first time. The ar­chi­tec­tur­al shape forms a coun­ter­point to the clas­sic “White Cube” con­cept and cap­ti­vates with its brit­tle charm, em­pha­sizing the work­shop char­ac­ter of the ex­hi­bi­tion hall. The spaces leave plen­ty of room for a va­ri­e­ty of art­istic ex­pres­sions and sce­nog­ra­phic con­cepts.

The ex­hi­bi­tions offer an in­sight into the HGN Collection, often in con­junc­tion with the works of other col­lec­tions such as the DZ Bank Art Collection. In ad­di­tion, the Kunsthalle HGN also fo­cuses on work­ing with art­ists who rep­re­sent a wide spec­trum of art­istic po­si­tions. This pro­cess is ac­com­pa­nied by a live­ly ex­change with cu­ra­tors and gal­lery owners. “Live speakers” — young men and women studying art his­to­ry at the University of Göttingen — guide vis­i­tors and an­swer any ques­tions with great ex­per­tise.

Non-local vis­i­tors will find su­perb ac­com­mo­da­tion at the “Hotel zum Löwen” in Duderstadt. Prompted by Professor Hans Georg Näder him­self, the ven­er­a­ble house has evolved into an art hotel. Both the res­tau­rant and bar as well as the rooms and suites dis­play works by Bernd and Hilla Becher, Götz Diergarten, Neo Rauch, Andy Warhol and other con­tem­po­rary art­ists.

During ex­hi­bi­tions, the Kunsthalle HGN is open on Sat­ur­days and Sun­day from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ad­mis­sion is free.

There is a parking lot at the upper end of the street “Am Sulberg” with stairs lead­ing from there to the mu­se­um en­trance. Fully ac­ces­si­ble parking spaces are di­rect­ly in front of the en­trance lo­cated on the Karl-Wüstefeld-Weg..

Kunsthalle HGN
37115 Duderstadt